Composite Fillings

Composite fillings and bondings are typically known as “white fillings.”  Dr. Rausch is well versed in the complexities of achieving a natural tooth appearance with these technique sensitive materials.

Ceramic Restorations

Ceramic Restorations refers to veneers, crowns, bridges, in-lays and onlays that are made with a non-metallic material that is chosen for strength and beauty.  The keys to having a beautiful result with a ceramic restoration is excellent “prep work” (that’s what we do in the dental office), a top-grade, highest quality, “non-production mill” artistic lab that cuts no corners, and precise communication between the dentist and the lab about color blending for a natural look. 

Root Canals

Dr. Rausch performs certain root canal procedures.  Often a tooth can be saved as long as the internal portion of the tooth that is causing pain is treated.   Although root canals have a historical reputation for being an uncomfortable procedure, modern techniques are often able to achieve total numbness during the procedure.   Most people discover relief quickly and  are thankful that they are able to keep their tooth.


Dr. Rausch offers high quality dentures.  Why did Grandma keep her dentures in a box?  Often because Grandma’s denturist made the teeth to look good for a family photo, but didn’t know how to fabricate good looking dentures that could also hold up when Grandma wanted to chew a steak.  Sadly, many patients resolve to having no teeth and only eating a soft diet. There is a solution.  Making a great denture requires multiple important steps and using strong materials not prone to breaking.  We only do dentures when we can achieve a great outcome and we do not offer an economy denture because we know the results will not make the patient happy.


Invisalign, which is an alternative to traditional braces, uses clear retainers to gradually move teeth. A sequence of trays are traded out every few weeks which puts teeth in their correct place, achieving beautiful esthetic results. Besides having a perfect smile, having teeth in their correct place helps overall mouth health by enabling a good bite and proper cleansability that helps the gums.


Bridges are a way to “bridge a gap” between two or more existing teeth. It allows us to fill an empty space with a tooth connected to the adjacent teeth. This is a more permanent fix to replacing the tooth you have lost, rather than replacing it with a removable denture.

Prophy (dental cleanings)

Our hygienists perform dental prophylaxis (commonly known as a “cleaning”).  They see it as their mission to prevent gum disease and are attentive to your needs.  They truly love their patients and look forward to your appointment.  You’ll also learn they want you cleanings to be fun, informative, and comfortable appointments.  

Scaling and Root Planning

When there is inflammation of the gum tissues and presence of plaque build-up, a simple “cleaning” will not suffice to maintain dental health.  Scaling and Root Planning is necessary to remove hardened plaque that is below the gum line.  Once this build-up is removed the inflammation of the gums can heal and the health of the tissues can return.


This is a preventative treatment for children.  When a child has their adult teeth develop into their mouth we often will place a sealant over the natural pits and fissures of the teeth to prevent them from developing decay.  

Children’s Dentistry

Dr. Rausch is glad to treat children.  He believes that many times a person’s entire dental life can be influenced by the outcome of their childhood dental experiences.  To that end he seeks to have the best experience possible for your child.  We have found that a child tends to do better by maintaining their total attention on working with Dr. Rausch during treatment.  Dr. Rausch uses technique to introduce our dental equipment in a fun way.  To be able to coach a child successfully through the treatment, it’s essential that the child’s attention remained solely focused on Dr. Rausch throughout the procedure.  This sole focus “partners up” the child and Dr. Rausch so that the visit can be easy.  To maintain the child’s attention, which otherwise can quickly divert to the parent if the parent is present, parents are asked to remain in the reception room.  The receptionist will give several updates to the parent about how well the child is doing as the treatment progresses.  Children who have anxiety that is higher than “coachable” by Dr. Rausch or medical conditions that inhibit their ability to follow him during the procedure are referred to one our trusted specialists.

Ceramic Veneers

Veneers refers to placing a covering over the outside or “seen” portions of the tooth.  Veneers are often the most non-invasive way of achieving the esthetic outcome desired.  The material of the veneer is chosen based on the functional and esthetic needs of the patient.  Please see our before and after page for examples of veneer cases from other patients of Dr. Rausch.  Many patients in the Lincolnton area sporting beautiful smiles are enjoying “Smiles by Rausch.”  


Bonding refers to the use of composite resin filling materials to cover all or a portion of a tooth.  They are similar to a veneer in that they cover the seen portion of the tooth.  

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays refer to restoring missing or decayed tooth structure with a restorative material in the most conservative way possible.  Great care is taken to leave as much healthy tooth structure as possible while repairing the missing portion.


We invite you to answer this question: Is there anything about your smile that you would like to change? Oftentimes, we do hear a common answer. “I like my teeth and am happy with my smile for the most part. However, I wouldn’t mind them being brighter (whiter / lighter).” If you answered similarly, having your teeth whitened is the BEST “pick me up!” Like a new hair style or getting your vehicle detailed, it just gives you a lift. And, what better lift than to smile. The magic of a smile is that the more you give it away, the more you get back. Let’s talk about your whitening choices. Also, if you tend to have sensitive teeth and want to come in for whitening, use a tooth paste for two weeks that is designed for sensitive teeth. Sensodyne and Crest both make the formula. That’s a little known secret that most dental offices forget to tell patients; it makes a world of difference and adds to the total pleasure of your bright, white smile!